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The top 10 advertising pros to follow on Twitter

Twitter tuesday
You’d think advertising people would be some of the most interesting, clever folks to follow on Twitter. And you’d be right. It was good fun narrowing down my list of my ten favorite ad people on Twitter this week. While social media experts and marketing professionals are at best a hit and miss bunch, advertising connoisseurs tend to be more free with their personality and great at getting conversations started. Check out my top ten and feel free to add your own favorites (or plug yourself, if you think you’re worthy).

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It may not be the most personal Twitter account, but AdAge has their finger on the pulse of hot new developments in advertising. A great way to get the latest ad news delivered to you, including major hires, fires, acquisitions and op/ed pieces. 


You can rely on the agencyspy for ad news with sharp, honest commentary. A good follow for both interesting news and a lot of laughs.  


A nicely balanced account, featuring links to useful articles, their own commentary and interaction with other tweeple.


Rick Myers, CEO/founder of TalentZoo, focuses on advertising through social media and isn’t afraid to contribute his two cents. Some of the most consistently interesting tweets around.  


Advertising commentary with a big dose of personality. Another well-balanced account.  


Lots of interesting opinions from the Chief Social Media Officer for Mullen. One of the better users at getting a conversation going.


Gives you a slice of the Asia/Pacific adworld through Twitter. Nearly all the ad-focused Twitter users are Western based, so this account is worth a follow if you’re interested in how things look on the other side of the world. 


A peek inside the life of an advertising entrepreneur. Really interesting insight on the challenges one faces trying to be a professional adman and a good family man at the same time. 


Lars Bastholm gives you an intimate look inside the life of the Chief Digital Creative Officer at Ogilvy in New York. 


The self-designated “Fat bloke at Ogilvy” is one of Twitter’s great ad voices, always refreshingly  scathing. 

Jason Ross is a copywriter for The Duffy Agency. He loves working on both traditional and social media projects and speculating on the future of the ad industry.


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    The top 10 advertising pros to follow on Twitter - Methodical Madness - International Brand Management
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    Response: mebel minimalis
    I found a great...
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    The top 10 advertising pros to follow on Twitter - Methodical Madness - International Brand Management

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