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What should today's Marketing Service firm look like?

So as marketers today shift through the rubble of what once was the traditional ad agency ecosystem, what should they be looking for? Extrapolating from the authors' reasoning, today's marketing service firm should look something like this:

  • Starting point: digital acumen
  • Focus: highly specialized service offer focused on a core competence where they have mastered best practices
  • Staffing: small core staff with all non-core functions outsourced to experts, allowing the company to offer more flexible solutions that are highly customizable to client needs
  • Range: agencies should be prepared to serve clients who market internationally 
  • Reach: agencies need to be networked globally to provide clients with access to independent expertise world-wide
  • Skills: managing complex projects with outsourced talent will be an essential core competence of any agency  
  • Proficiency: beyond being able to code websites, agencies will be fluent in the new business opportunities and challenges presented by global interconnectivity via digital media. 

Click here to read the full article: If the traditional ad agency is dead, what will take its place?

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Reader Comments (1)

An instructive post. People to really know who they want to reach and why or else, they'll have no way to know what they're trying to achieve. People need to hear this and have it drilled in their brains..
Thanks for sharing this great article.
November 27, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHanson canada

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