What mobile advertising can learn from The Daily

Google recently announced that the mobile sector is growing faster than they ever predicted. CEO Eric Schmidt told the audience at the Internet Advertising Bureau’s Annual Leadership meeting keynote that YouTube is seeing 200 million mobile playbacks a day. He went on to state that the number of mobile searches during the Super Bowl were more than double for Chrysler when compared to desktop searches, and more than 9 times for GoDaddy. (The video is posted at the end of the article for your edification).
This is due in no small part by the explosion of mobile devices and smart phones. A recent Gartner report shows that the worldwide mobile market has reached 1.6 billion units in 2010 with smart phone sales growing 72% resulting in 297 million units. And if we are to believe the experts, this market is only going to grow further.
On Wednesday, with the announcement of the iPad 2, we found out that Apple has sold over 100 million iPhones and 15 million iPads so far. The iPad number is incredible especially when you consider the ridicule the iPad met with over its name when it first came out. There were even some people saying that the iPad would fail miserably. Goes to show you that you shouldn't believe everything you read (unless you read it here).
So as organizations enter this new mobile world, the question remains: How do you create an effective a mobile campaign? Simple: by scraping everything you know and starting over from the ground up.
The solution for creating a successful mobile campaign lies in what The Daily has done for news. Over the past year, many newspapers made the mistake of trying to simply take their offline product and cram it into this new technology. The Daily looked at the problem differently. They looked at the technology first. Then they adapted its product, news, to take full advantage of the technology.
In essence, it has taken a commodity, digital news, and rethought it for a new era and a new device. The result is an amazing experience. The same has to be done when developing a mobile advertising campaign. You have to look at from what works best on the platform as opposed to trying to make old techniques fit new technology.
For example, most mobile advertising still relies on banner ads, an invention carried over from laptops and desktops—which was just an extension of traditional print ads and TV spots. But we now have tablets and smart phones that are more powerful than the computers that put a man on the moon. Your mobile advertising should take full advantage of the tools and technology mobile provides. Maybe that's iAds. Maybe that's Google Mobile Ads. But maybe it's something brand new.
And this is not to say that banner ads are bad. In some situations they work well. But new tools demand a new way of doing things. Effective solutions don't rely on old ideas. Effective mobile solutions come from rethinking the problem from the ground up.
So perhaps 2011 will be the year you dip your toes into the mobile advertising waters. And if you do, remember The Duffy Agency can help you make a big splash.
What are your thoughts on mobile advertising? What successes and best practices have you found?
Kevin Duffy is the Creative Director for The Duffy Agency's Boston office.
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