The 10 funniest videos about Twitter

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As much as we love Twitter, we can’t deny that the idea of it, and the way many people use it, is pretty ridiculous. You folks out there on the Internet have noticed as well and have let the world know how you see Twitter through the magic of video. And some of them are downright hilarious. Here are my top 10 funniest videos about Twitter.
10. We start off with a good old fashioned rant.
9. What would the world be like if people on the street talked like they Tweet? One man goes on a mission to find out.
8. Just when you thought the Twitter craze was subsiding, it’s back… with a vengeance.
7. It’s amazing what you can get away with when you have incriminating evidence against your boss.
6. Breaking news from The Onion! Parents using Twitter, Facebook to stalk their children.
5. Amir explains to his friend Jake that Twitter is a place to store your secrets.
4. Twitter gets the Hitler treatment as it becomes part of the internet phenomenon of subtitling the Hitler rant from the film “Downfall.” Hitler is sad because his doggy died, and angry because Twitter is down again.
3. Has the world gone mad, or is everyone just saying everything they think and do out loud? Wait, what’s the difference?
2. Celebrity Twitter Overkill: when Ashton Kutcher becomes more important than news. And everything else.
1. And the very best video poking fun at Twitter out there in cyberspace is… William Shatner reading Sarah Palin’s Tweets as poetry! I wish there was a better cut of this as the actual reading is framed by talk show host babble (no offense Conan), but the performance by the former captain of the starship Enterprise is gold.
Jason Ross is a copywriter for The Duffy Agency. He loves working on both traditional and social media projects and speculating on the future of the ad industry.
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