A Dear John Letter to Google+

Let me start this off by saying that it's not you; it's me.
Really. I think you're great. These last few weeks have been really fun. Your simple elegance is breath-taking and you are so easy to get along with.
I can't deny that I was attracted to you at first. You were so new and shiny. Call it "the grass is always greener" syndrome. Or simply call it "social lust." Sure, you were a bit more modern, a bit younger, a bit flashier and brought some things to the table that I had not seen before. You seemed wild and exotic. But eventually, as we spent time together, I realized that you didn't really offer me anything new.
And that's the rub.
I don't know that I am ready to break-up with my current social network. I've been going with that other site for so long now (coming up on 5 years) that I'm just more comfortable with them. We've shared so many memories together. Pictures. Videos. Games. Even a poke or two. Plus, my entire family and all my friends really like my current social network. It'll be hard to get them to switch their minds and embrace what you have to offer.
I know this may come as a shock. But from what I understand, I am not the only one that feels this way. Your appeal has been dwindling by the day. And recently, I've even heard that members of your own family have disparaged you in public (albeit accidentally). How can I love you if even your own parents don't think your worthy of their time?
I know that maybe if I spent more time with you, I would change my mind. But that's just it. I don't have the time for another social network—at least not the time it takes to develop a proper relationship.
Not that you care, but I think my current social network noticed my wandering eye. They've really done their best to improve our relationship (although it still seems very needy at times...wanting to know what I am doing every second). They've even given themselves a makeover to make me more interested. And I have to say, it's working.
Perhaps if we met at a different time in my life things would be different. And maybe they still can be. I'm not completely closing the door to any future with us. So, I'll keep tabs on you just in case.
I wish you nothing but success.
My warmest regards,
~ Kevin
Kevin Duffy is the Creative Director for The Duffy Agency's Boston office.
Reader Comments (5)
I have signed up but am one of those who do not use G+. I feel that you are correct and that there are many of us who are jilting G+.
I haven't given up completely but my interest is dwindling fast.