How a Moustache Can Cure Cancer

Cancer awareness campaigns and raising money to help researchers find a cure can take on many different forms. You have ribbons and shirts to show your support. Some people walk enormous distances, some people hike massive mountains, some people race cars, and some people even employ plastic pink flamingos.
And while we at The Duffy Agency applaud those efforts, we thought we'd take the challenge to the next level and try something truly extreme.
That's right, for the month of November members of The Duffy Agency are growing moustaches for cancer awareness and to raise money. (Trust me, if you knew how follically challenged some of us are, you too would consider this an extreme challenge).
Seriously, though, The Duffy Agency is taking part in an annual event called Movember, where men pledge to grow a "mo," Australian slang for moustache, for the month of November. The funds raised through Movember’s US campaign benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) and LIVESTRONG, the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
As the Movember web explains, "Movember challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a moustache. The moustache becomes the ribbon for men’s health, the means by which awareness and funds are raised for cancers that affect men."
The idea for Movember was sparked in 2003 over a few beers in Melbourne, Australia. The plan was simple – to bring the moustache back as a bit of a joke and do something for men’s health. Although no money was raised in 2003, the movement has grown remarkably in both participation and monies raised. In 2004, there were 432 participants who raised $55,000. By 2009, the movement spread to the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, South Africa, the Netherlands and Finland. Participation climbed to 255,755 and $42 Million were raised to help fund cancer research.
Every Monday this month, we will be documenting in pictures the progress of our brave souls as they attempt to grow some groovy lip hair. If you would like to participate, feel free to either register and join our team or donate to our team. Your support is truly appreciated.
Now, let's see how those moustaches are progressing shall we? The pictures taken below show the first day on the left and the most recent on the right.
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